
St George’s C of E Infant and Preschool

Inspire, Believe, Achieve-Let your light shine.


How is good behaviour rewarded at St George's?


We give children stickers as a positive reward. Stickers are given for good behaviour, good work, good effort, kindness, reading at home and many other reasons. If a child receives three stickers in one day they visit Mrs Accastello for a Head Teacher's Award sticker.


We also use Busy Bees in each class to consistently reward those children whose behaviour is always good. 









Champion of the Week certificates are presented to 2 children in every class during the Celebration Collective Worship each Friday.  These are awarded to children who have shown excellence throughout the week in class.  This can be for a range of reasons including super work, demonstrating school values or going 'above and beyond' in a certain aspect of school life. 


Below you will find the Wheel of Choice and information about George the Dragon Points.

