
St George’s C of E Infant and Preschool

Inspire, Believe, Achieve-Let your light shine.

How does the school communicate with parents?

Communication with parents is so important to ensure children make the best progress possible and feel safe and happy in school. Please keep us up to date with contact details for parents and other contacts. Each child has a White Card on which we ask parents to list the people they give permission to, to collect their child from school. Ask at the school office for more details. 

Below are list of the ways we communicate with parents:

  • Weekly newsletters from Mr Long (can be found on the website)
  • School Website
  • Year group termly letter giving information about routines, topics to be covered and class specific information
  • How parents can help at Parent Workshops
  • Chidlren with SEN(Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) termly SEN Support Plan
  • Two Phonics information sessions for parents
  • Parents consultation evenings During Autumn and Spring term
  • Feedback Cards issued before Parental Consultation Evenings giving levels for effort and attainment in Year 1 and Year 2
  • Contact books for communication between parents and class teachers
  • English and Mathematics information booklets sent home; a reference for parents to keep and take note of
  • Parents information meetings regarding end of Year 2 assessment tests
  • Individual class notices and posters around the school
  • Text and email message serve to distribute information quickly or in an emergency
  • Parent Teachers Association (PTA) letters
  • Via Foundation Stage staff and KS1 TAs (for Year 1 and 2) at the beginning of the day on the gate/door
  • End of year formal written report
  • Teachers2Parents communication and payment system
  • At any time parents who have any queries about their child’s progress or any other issue are welcome to make an appointment with the class teacher to discuss the matter further
  • Parents are requested to inform the school/teachers about any change in family circumstances for the welfare of their child