
St George’s C of E Infant and Preschool

Inspire, Believe, Achieve-Let your light shine.

Most Able

MAGT stands for Most Able, Gifted and Talented.


The MAGT Coordinator is Mrs Erin Dimbleby.


In October 2015 St George's was awarded the NACE Challenge Award.


Below you will find a link to the school's MAGT policy under the internal Policies link. Children may be assessed as MAGT by the school and have a CHiP (Challenge individual Plan) to support the challenge the child receives in school. 


More Able, Gifted and Talented

We believe that all pupils should be encouraged and nurtured to achieve to their best abilities.  We believe that through identification of children who are Gifted and Talented, we will provide a curriculum that is sufficiently challenging to all pupils.  While understanding that every child has his/her own particular strengths, we recognise that there are some children who excel in particular areas of the curriculum, or who achieve consistently significantly above their peers.  In providing for these pupils, we believe that all pupils will be exposed to a range of teaching strategies which will aide them to become critical and creative thinkers.


Pupils that consistently attain significantly higher than their peers in one or more subjects, other than art, music and PE, may be classified as ‘gifted’.  This could also include children who may be seen to have ‘all round’ academic ability.


Talented pupils are those with particular ability in art, music, PE or in any sport or creative art. 


Statistically, typically 5-10% of each pupil cohort may be considered as ‘More Able, Gifted and Talented’.  Whilst we identify a core gifted and talented cohort, we also recognise that there may be children who are presently underachieving.  It is crucial that our identification system is flexible enough to pick up these children, and allows them, too, to achieve their potential.


Identification of gifted and talented pupils is a flexible, continuous process.  Progress of all children is monitored half-termly.  Pupils who exhibit particular talents and abilities are brought to the attention of the Gifted and Talented Coordinator and placed on the register. 


We respond to identification of Gifted and Talented pupils through the provision of appropriate challenge within the classroom and extra-curricular clubs. High Five Club is an club designed to challenge and improve independent skills of more able children. The Children are also offered the chance to join organisations such as the School Council, where they can have a real impact on school life. In addition we offer sports and arts clubs, which are available to all children.


If you are a parent or guardian we would be really interested to hear if you think your child has any gifts or talents that we may not be aware of, or where you think your child’s strengths may lie.  Any outside talents, awards or certificates can be reported through our Golden Post box System which can be found in the school hall. These achievements  will be celebrated in our weekly Celebration focused worship.



Supporting More Able and Gifted and Talented Children – Information for Parents

There is a range of support and information available to parents through charities and organisations working with highly able pupils and their families. The parents’ sections at Potential plus and Excellence East are particularly useful.
