
St George’s C of E Infant and Preschool

Inspire, Believe, Achieve-Let your light shine.


Monitoring Pupils Progress and Attainment

Parents and carers are right to be delighted with how the school meets their child’s individual needs and the progress their children are making. One parent reported, ‘Our daughter is thriving and we are really pleased with the care and level of education she is receiving.’ - Ofsted 2012

The progress of children at St George's School is monitored on an ongoing basis. In the Early Years Foundation Stage, staff record observations of pupils' achievements in individual 'Learning Journeys' and assess against the Early Learning Goals.

Throughout the school pupils are assessed by the class teacher both formatively (through observations, questioning and by moderation of pupils' work) and summatively (through periodic tasks and tests).

Teachers formally record pupils' National Curriculum levels of attainment on (at least) a termly basis. This enables the Head Teacher, senior teachers and the Governing Body to carefully track the progress of children. Where a child makes slower progress than is expected, interventions are put in place and carefully monitored in order to overcome any barriers to learning and to accelerate progress.


Year 1 children take the Phonics Screening Check in June each year.

Pupils take part in more formal assessments at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2). We administer the SATs in May of Year 2 and Teacher Assessment is used to report to parents on children's achievement.

Parents are offered a termly parents evening in the Autumn and Spring Term and a formal end of term written report at the end of the Summer Term.

The Assessment Co-ordinator is Mrs Beverley Accastello.


