Inspire, Believe, Achieve-Let your light shine.
Intent Implementation Impact
Intent: The layout of our curriculum, the units, and WHY they are taught in a particular order. What we expect the children to learn at St George’s and why.
Implementation: How we get the children to accomplish what we set out for them – what kinds of resources will we use. What sorts of tasks they will complete. How we assess the children and ensure they make progress.
Impact: Using assessment to look at how each year group will move on and develop. Looking at the impact of each unit and how it links to previous learning and future learning. What will a Year Two Historian look like at the end of their St George’s journey?
At St George’s Infant School, History has a clear learning journey across the whole school. Our pupils learn about the history of their local environment, community and the wider world. History is taught through a Topic based approach to encourage development of both enquiry skills and historical knowledge. We develop children to become independent and evaluative thinkers who have empathy for how people live now and how they have lived in the past. This will develop an awareness, respect and curiosity for different cultures, societies and the past. Children will have the opportunity to ask questions, conduct their own research and work collaboratively through the use of trips, visits from outside agencies, handling artefacts and other hands on experiences. History is accessible to all learners, through practical, differentiated activities.
Supporting these aims is our vision “Inspire, Believe, Achieve. With God all things are possible”. This shared vision underpins everything we do at St George’s; enabling our children to become successful learners and caring, thoughtful individuals.
At St George’s Infant school History is taught following the aims and content of the National Curriculum. Our History teaching aims to ensure that children are able to think critically when examining evidence and artefacts and can develop their own opinions, which they can then back up with their historical knowledge.
In EYFS History is taught through Knowledge and Understanding of the world and People and Communities. In KS1 it is taught within topic blocks alongside other subjects such as Art/DT, Geography. In EY the children will develop a sense of time through events in stories and in their own lives. In KS1 children will develop an awareness of history and a sense of chronology through the study of the lives of people and events in recent times and in the more distant past. They will understand different methods of historical enquiry by using a variety of sources and artefacts to compare lives and question events in the past. We strive to ensure children believe in their own abilities and achieve success.
Teachers think carefully about the different types of resources they will use and plan tasks carefully, based on prior learning and an understanding of the children’s future learning.
At St George’s we promote independence for all students to take responsibility in their own learning, therefore we have implemented self-assessment KWHL grids, which the children use as a working document to track their achievements and progress at the
beginning, during and at the end of a topic.
The National Curriculum purpose of study for History reads:
‘A high-quality history education will help pupils gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. It should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past. Teaching should equip pupils to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. History helps pupils to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time.’
At St George’s, our aim for History is to increase the skills needed for children to navigate an ever-changing world by ensuring our pupils develop questioning and discussion skills, encouraging a sense of wonder about their being an integral part of an ever changing world and equipping them with a wide scope of key historical knowledge.