Inspire, Believe, Achieve-Let your light shine.
To ensure all our children achieve their full potential at St George’s Infant and Preschool, Target Tracker in used to track the progress and attainment of children from Preschool to Year 2. Mrs Accastello reports the results to Governors every term.
What are Bands?
Each year group is a ‘Band’: Preschool=Band Nurs, Reception=Band Rec,
Year 1=Band 1 and Year 2=Band 2.
What are Steps?
Each year ‘Band’ has been broken down into six steps within the year group:
-beginning (b)
-beginning+ (b+)
-working within (w)
-working within+(w+)
-secure (s)
-secure+ (s+)
Why have we got ‘b’ and ‘b+’?
Each Band is broken into two parts to enable progress within the Band. For example, a pupil may be assessed as Band 2 Beginning (2B) in the Autumn term of Year 2. The next time the teacher records their assessment they may not feel that the pupil has progressed to Working Within, but the pupil has made progress. An assessment of Beginning + will show that progress has been made.
What does the ‘s+’ step mean?
The advice from the Government is that pupils who have gained a secure understanding of the Y1 programme of study, for example, should not be automatically moved on to the next year’s programme. Instead they should be provided with extension work to deepen and consolidate their understanding of the concepts and skills already grasped.
The current curriculum is challenging so this extension work will be covered by a small cohort of each year group. Secure+ pupils have attained a more thorough and wide-ranging grasp of the content and concepts. Secure+ is a stepping stone on to the criteria in the following band.
Where should my child be?
We all know that children develop at different rates and make different levels of progress during their time at school. Target tracker allows us to see that regardless of the level of attainment, your child is making progress.